The purpose of this paper is to present and describe a new introductory high school computer science course curriculum developed, piloted, and implemented as part of a National Science Foundation STEM+C project, and to provide research results about teachers’ successes and challenges when implementing the curriculum. This course, titled Student-Centered Computing (SCC), was designed specifically to provide teachers with a coherent, full-year curriculum that introduces students to computer science skills and concepts as they investigate and develop solutions to problems of their own choosing. In this paper, we will begin by describing the Theory of Change model that informed the curriculum design, the SCC course development process and implementation context, and the education research methods used to gather data on teacher perceptions. To aid with the presentation, we then use the TEC rubric as an organizing framework for describing the various interwoven components of the SCC curriculum and the theoretical underpinnings for individual practices and activities. Each TEC rubric dimension (Teacher Accessibility, Equity and Content) and its underlying components is presented, with each component accompanied by a description of the curriculum features and an overview of relevant research results. Finally, a discussion section is included to present our conclusions about the curriculum and its implementation, as well as lessons learned throughout this project.
1.1 The SCC Framework and Theory of Change Model
Culturally Authentic Practice to Advance Computational Thinking in Youth (CAPACiTY) project [
4] was funded by the National Science Foundation in 2016 to develop a new curriculum for the introductory high school computer science course in the Georgia Department of Education's Career, Technical and Agricultural Education program. The resulting course curriculum, now titled
Student-Centered Computing (SCC), was designed to provide students with an engaging introductory computer science experience that would encourage all students to continue to pursue coursework in computer science, with a specific focus on promoting continued interest in CS among girls and underrepresented minority students. Key elements of the curriculum, described in depth later in the paper, include an inquiry-driven, collaborative,
project-based learning (PBL) approach and the inclusion of
culturally authentic practices (CAPs) that support students’ voice, choice and sense of critical agency. These practices are grounded in the psychological literature on agency, identity development, and stereotype threat, and align with the principles of
culturally responsive teaching (
CRT; Gay, 2002; Ladson-Billings, 1995) [
6] and
culturally responsive computing (
CRC; Scott et al., 2015) [
7]. The curriculum encourages students to bring their personal interests and experiences to bear on their coursework by prompting them to choose a focal problem that is interesting and meaningful to them, team up with like-minded students, and use that topic as the driver for a year-long project. Throughout the course, students develop rigorous computational thinking skills as they create a narrated PowerPoint presentation and a website to raise awareness of their chosen problem, digitally produce music aimed at creating emotional connections to their problem, and design an app-based game to engage users in solutions to the focal problem. Through the creation of this series of digital artifacts, students work to spread awareness and promote positive change within the context of their selected focal problem, such that students are empowered to promote social good via informing and engaging an audience with technological tools and products.
The SCC curriculum is explicitly designed to encourage the development of critical CS agency, to reduce identity threat, and to promote asset-based thinking and a sense of belonging both in the course and in the larger field of CS. The project's theory of change model, based broadly on work done by Appleton et al. (Appleton, Christenson, and Furlong, 2009) [
8] and consistent with the 2021 NASEM [
2] report, is shown in Figure
Underlying this theory of change model is the belief that when teachers adjust their classroom practice to better attend to the cultural and social needs of under-served and under-represented students, this can help increase these students’ sense of autonomy, competence, and belonging. These changes in student's view of self can, in turn, lead to increased engagement and ultimately to improved student outcomes such as increased learning of computer science skills and an increased number of students intending to take additional computer science courses.
The SCC framework, which outlines the pedagogical underpinnings of the SCC curriculum, incorporates student-centered pedagogical strategies commonly used in PBL and research-based CAPs that are designed to nurture students’ choice, voice and identity in the classroom. The research-based PBL strategies incorporated into the SCC framework, described as the “Gold Standard” by the Buck Institute for Education (2023) [
9], have been shown to promote deep student learning by enabling student's exploration, promoting understanding of content through sustained inquiry, encouraging authentic engagement with challenging real-life problems, and promoting reflection, discussion and collaboration (Bransford, Broan, and Cocking, 1999) [
The CAPs activities embedded throughout the SCC curriculum are highly scaffolded and were all designed using best practices from culturally relevant education frameworks (Dover, 2009 [
11]; Gay, 2010 [
12]; Ladson-Billings, 1994 [
13]), asset-based pedagogy (Esteban-Guitart and Moll, 2014 [
14]; Lopez, 2017 [
15]), motivational theories such as self-determination (Ryan and Deci, 2000 [
16]), and stereotype threat interventions (Steele, Spencer, and Aronson, 2002) [
17]. Prior research suggests that focusing on these principles, both in the scaffolded curriculum materials and in the teacher professional development workshops, should lead to changes in classroom practices that better enable students to experience a sense of autonomy, competence, and belonging in their computer science classroom (Deci and Ryan, 2008 [
Of particular emphasis in the SCC theory of change model, as well as in the pedagogical approaches and the curricular activities, is the notion of critical computer science agency. This concept is linked to several theoretical perspectives, including critical computational literacy (Lee and Soep, 2016) [
19] and critical science agency (Barton and Tan, 2010) [
20] (please see Gale, Alemdar, Boice, Hernandez, Newton, Edwards, and Usselman, 2022 [
21] for a further exploration of critical CS agency development in students enrolled in SCC). Drawing from the three tenets of Basu et al.’s (2009) [
22] conceptualization of critical science agency and tailoring it to a CS context, Gale et al., 2022 [
21], offer the following definition of critical CS agency: “a collective process in which students gain CS knowledge and skills, come to identify themselves as experts in CS, and, in the process of CS identity development, see and use CS as a mechanism for change” (p. 274). The element of change serves to distinguish critical agency from more general conceptualizations of agency; in a critical agency perspective, individuals use their
knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to enact some positive change upon themselves and/or their surrounding environment. Critical agency entails KSAs deployed for action toward a goal of improving someone or something.
How does this concept play out within SCC? The SCC curriculum, unlike peer curricula such as Exploring Computer Science (, 2023) [
23], does not open with questions of technology: “What is a computer?”, “What does a computer do?”, “Where do you find computers in your daily life”? Rather, SCC opens with questions of humanity: “What is a societal problem that interests you, that you care about, and that you are motivated to address?”. The first several weeks of a SCC class consist of a highly scaffolded process of problem selection, pedagogically based on best practices of PBL, during which students identify a problem that is of personal relevance and interest to them and that is of appropriate scope to support continued student interest for the whole year. Digital tools, skills, and programs are then introduced as a means to address this problem, thus enacting positive change. Little to no instruction on digital or computational KSAs is offered outside of the context of either addressing the focal problem or within activities specifically crafted to reduce identity threat and promote CS identity. The SCC teacher support materials, combined with the summer professional development, provide teachers with pedagogical tools to help guide students to identify problems they want to address, and then to offer students the digital tools they can use to address these problems.
This approach to teaching CS, with an emphasis on critical CS agency, also aligns with the related theories of culturally responsive computing (CRC) and culturally responsive teaching (CRT). CRC is “focused on how culturally responsive pedagogical strategies could be used to make technologies and technology education accessible to diverse sociocultural groups using asset building approaches” (Scott et al., 2015, p. 413) [
7]. CRT, the approach on which CRC largely rests, stands in contrast to deficit models, in which the attributes, backgrounds, and communities of some populations are viewed as inherently problematic. CRT instead highlights these elements as both fertile ground for learning and of utility for application in educational contexts (Scott et al., 2015) [
7]. In her work with the
Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum in high school classrooms, Ryoo (2019) [
24] reports that attending to social issues directly impacting students as well as utilizing students’ voices and perspectives serve to increase interest in, and engagement with, the CS content. SCC embraces this notion of individual attributes and experiences being of deep educational value by allowing the students’ own selected problems to serve as the basis and context for the entire school years’ worth of projects. Justifications for employing CRT methods follow two lines of thinking: (1) social justice justification, such that this pedagogy helps students respond against the “dominant culture” and promotes social consciousness, and (2) academic, in that this type of teaching has been linked to improved academic performance (Scott et al., 2015) [
7]. SCC seems well suited to address the following stated goal of CRC: “to diminish the separation between the worlds of culture and STEM” (Scott et al., 2015) [
In many extant culturally relevant computing curricula, experiences, and programs, the designer anticipates and creates what they believe will be a culturally relevant context for the participating students. In SCC, this role of selecting and building a culturally relevant context for CS education has been transferred from the designers to the participating students. SCC is not the only curriculum to utilize this role transfer; see Scott et al., 2015 [
7]’s review of culturally responsive computing curricula, specifically, COMPUGIRLS. Rote instruction on the content and use of technology tools, programs, and skills is avoided entirely in SCC. Instead, students learn about digital tools primarily within the context of the creation of digital artifacts to promote awareness of and solutions for their self-selected societal problems. The goal of eliciting students’ CS critical agency via their development of technological skills and tool use, promotion of identity as an expert in the CS arena, and creation of digital artifacts to enact positive change echoes the following treatment of what constitutes success within CRC: “CRC contends that success is how far an individual operationalizes their developing agency as a technosocial agent to further their communities through systematic methods” (Scott et al., 2015, p. 427) [
7]. Further expounding on this notion of technosocial change agents, a concept with high overlap with the idea of CS critical agency, Ashcraft et al. (2017) [
25] note that computing curricula need to take “a more culturally responsive approach that engages girls in becoming technosocial change agents; that is, individuals who can challenge dominant narratives and construct more liberating identities and social relations as they create new technologies” (p. 234).
Further emphasis on the need to promote culturally relevant CS education comes from the Kapor Center's Framework (Kapor Center, 2021) [
26], in which they characterize culturally responsive – sustaining CS pedagogy as “[ensuring] that students’ interests, identities, and cultures are embraced and validated, students develop knowledge of computing content and its utility in the world, strong CS identities are developed, and students engage in larger socio-political critiques about technology's purpose, potential, and impact“ (p. 5). This last phrase about socio-political critiques overlaps with the previously discussed CS critical agency and technosocial change agents. The Kapor Center's Framework includes six components of culturally responsive-sustaining CS pedagogy, each of which is accompanied by multiple action items. These items are intended to direct CS educators towards providing CS pedagogy optimized to engage and motivate all learners by promoting individual connection to the material and culturally relevant instruction. Action items from this framework that align well with SCC pedagogy and curricular activities include:
“Educators honor and affirm students’ intersecting identities with curriculum, instructional practices, and classroom culture”
“Educators help students explore their identities to develop CS projects that reflect their passion and interests”
“Educators ensure curriculum is high-quality, rigorous, challenging, and aligned to state and national standards”
“Educators incorporate students’ voices and perspectives throughout the curriculum and classroom experience, engaging them as cultural experts (Kapor Center, 2021) [
Taken together, this body of literature and theory posits that effective CS instruction must position digital tools as a mechanism for creating artifacts aimed toward enacting positive change and disrupting inaccurate narratives within the context of problems and situations that students identify with and care about.
Given its importance for diversifying the CS pipeline, it is useful to consider whether CS teachers in general perceive a need for culturally responsive curriculum materials and whether they would feel comfortable implementing these materials. Prior work on teacher attitudes and values around culturally relevant CS teaching and curricula gives some insight on this question and provides context for situating the SCC curriculum and anticipating teachers’ potential reactions to it. In a 2020 survey of roughly 3,700 PreK-12 CS teachers that probed their views on the extent to which CS education does and should include topics of justice, equity, and cultural relevance, only 61% of teachers profiled believed that topics of inequity should be covered within their computer science class (Koshy et al., 2021) [
27]. With respect to their current CS curriculum, roughly two out of every three of these teachers felt their existing curriculum met the needs of a diverse student body while just over half believed the curriculum was culturally relevant and matched students’ interests. Findings from this same survey related to teacher identity indicate that while CS teachers are highly committed to teaching CS and feel confident about being able to help their students learn to value CS and increase their self-efficacy for CS, they feel somewhat less capable of motivating students with low CS interest and just under 60% of teachers felt prepared to utilize culturally relevant teaching practices in their CS classes (Koshy et al., 2021; Ni et al., 2023) [
28]. Taken together, these survey responses highlight three opportunities for improving equity, justice, and cultural relevance in PK-12 CS education: (1) Help teachers see the value and relevance of these topics, such that they will feel a desire to teach using culturally relevant pedagogy; (2) Provide curricula and other instructional materials that are designed to incorporate culturally relevant pedagogy and student-centered topics; and (3) Train teachers on how to utilize culturally relevant pedagogies in their CS classrooms. The SCC curriculum, when combined with aligned teacher professional development, seeks to accomplish these goals.