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Do agents dream of abiding by the rules?: Learning norms via behavioral exploration and sparse human supervision

Published: 07 September 2023 Publication History


In recent years, several normative systems have been presented in the literature. Relying on formal methods, these systems support the encoding of legal rules into machine-readable formats, enabling, e.g. to check whether a certain workflow satisfies or agents abide by these rules. However, not all rules can be easily expressed (see for instance the unclear boundaries between tax planning and tax avoidance). The paper introduces a framework for norm identification and norm induction that automates the formalization of norms about non-compliant behavior by exploring the behavioral space via simulation, and integrating inputs from humans via active learning. The proposed problem formulation sets also a bridge between AI & law and more general branches of AI concerned by the adaptation of artificial agents to human directives.


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  1. Do agents dream of abiding by the rules?: Learning norms via behavioral exploration and sparse human supervision



          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image ACM Other conferences
          ICAIL '23: Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
          June 2023
          499 pages
          This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives International 4.0 License.


          • IAAIL: Intl Asso for Artifical Intel & Law



          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 07 September 2023

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          Author Tags

          1. Compliance checking
          2. Non-compliance
          3. Norm identification
          4. Norm induction
          5. Normative systems


          • Research-article
          • Research
          • Refereed limited

          Funding Sources

          • Dutch Research Council (NWO)


          ICAIL 2023
          • IAAIL

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