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Présence et incarnation dans les jeux sérieux : Une revue de la littérature

Published: 29 May 2023 Publication History


Presence and embodiment are important dimensions of the user experience in immersive virtual environments. These concepts have been extensively studied, particularly in the field of video games, to model, measure and analyze their influences on the user experience. Serious games, although close to video games, have a different purpose (educational, informative or training) and few studies have yet focused on presence and embodiment in this specific context. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the studies that have been conducted so far on the feeling of presence and embodiment in serious games. Our literature review addresses 3 research questions: (1) How are the concepts of presence and embodiment studied and measured? (2) By what modalities, factors or variables are the sense of presence and embodiment influenced? (3) What are the impacts of the degree of presence or embodiment on other dimensions of the user experience and on learning? We conclude by proposing avenues of research to explore some aspects that have not yet been fully explored in the field.


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  1. Embodiment
  2. Environnement virtuel
  3. Incarnation
  4. Jeu Sérieux
  5. Présence
  6. Presence
  7. Serious game
  8. Virtual environment


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