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TeViS: Translating Text Synopses to Video Storyboards

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


A video storyboard is a roadmap for video creation which consists of shot-by-shot images to visualize key plots in a text synopsis. Creating video storyboards, however, remains challenging which not only requires cross-modal association between high-level texts and images but also demands long-term reasoning to make transitions smooth across shots. In this paper, we propose a new task called Text synopsis to Video Storyboard (TeViS) which aims to retrieve an ordered sequence of images as the video storyboard to visualize the text synopsis. We construct a MovieNet-TeViS dataset based on the public MovieNet dataset [17]. It contains 10K text synopses each paired with keyframes manually selected from corresponding movies by considering both relevance and cinematic coherence. To benchmark the task, we present strong CLIP-based baselines and a novel VQ-Trans model. VQ-Trans first encodes text synopsis and images into a joint embedding space and uses vector quantization (VQ) to improve the visual representation. Then, it auto-regressively generates a sequence of visual features for retrieval and ordering. Experimental results demonstrate that VQ-Trans significantly outperforms prior methods and the CLIP-based baselines. Nevertheless, there is still a large gap compared to human performance suggesting room for promising future work. The code and data are available at:

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MP4 File
Introductory video about the MM'23 paper "TeViS: Translating Text Synopses to Video Storyboards" presented by Xu Gu, Renmin University of China.


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      MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia
      October 2023
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      Published: 27 October 2023


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      1. datasets
      2. movie
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      • The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China
      • National Natural Science Foundation of China
      • Bilibili Inc. - Research on Artificial Intelligence Assisted Storyboarding


      MM '23
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      October 29 - November 3, 2023
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