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Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials

Published: 21 November 2023 Publication History


Anonymous credentials (AC) offer privacy in user-centric identity management. They enable users to authenticate anonymously, revealing only necessary attributes. With the rise of decentralized systems like self-sovereign identity, the demand for efficient AC systems in a decentralized setting has grown. Relying on conventional AC systems, however, require users to present independent credentials when obtaining them from different issuers, leading to increased complexity. AC systems should ideally support being multi-authority for efficient presentation of multiple credentials from various issuers. Another vital property is issuer hiding, ensuring that the issuer's identity remains concealed, revealing only compliance with the verifier's policy. This prevents unique identification based on the sole combination of credential issuers. To date, there exists no AC scheme satisfying both properties simultaneously.
This paper introduces Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials (IhMA), utilizing two novel signature primitives: Aggregate Signatures with Randomizable Tags and Public Keys and Aggregate Mercurial Signatures. We provide two constructions of IhMA with different trade-offs based on these primitives and believe that they will have applications beyond IhMA. Besides defining the notations and rigorous security definitions for our primitives, we provide provably secure and efficient constructions, and present benchmarks to showcase practical efficiency.


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  1. Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      CCS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
      November 2023
      3722 pages
      This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.



      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 21 November 2023

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      Author Tags

      1. aggregate signatures
      2. anonymous credentials
      3. equivalence-class signatures
      4. issuer-hiding
      5. mercurial signatures
      6. multi-authority


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • the European Commission through ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement
      • funding from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and Meta
      • Digidow, the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Private Digital Authentication in the Physical World
      • the European Union through the Horizon Europe research programme under grant agreement
      • the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and netidee SCIENCE under grant agreement
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