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Trustworthy Embodied Conversational Agents for Healthcare: A Design Exploration of Embodied Conversational Agents for the periconception period at Erasmus MC

Published: 19 July 2023 Publication History


This paper explores the potential implications of embodied conversational agents (ECAs) in healthcare, focusing on the impact of appearance and conversation style on trustworthiness. We conducted a Research through Design investigation of ECAs for supporting women during the periconception period and in pregnancy. The paper presents the results of a Wizard of Oz study in which two alternative prototypes, a chatbot, and an ECA, were tested in a tertiary hospital by 25 participants. Reflecting on the results we suggest that limited patients’ trust in ECAs maybe be beneficial for achieving trustworthy use of these agents in the healthcare context.


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  1. Trustworthy Embodied Conversational Agents for Healthcare: A Design Exploration of Embodied Conversational Agents for the periconception period at Erasmus MC



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      CUI '23: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces
      July 2023
      504 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 19 July 2023

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      1. conversational style
      2. embodied conversational agents
      3. healthcare
      4. research through design
      5. trustworthiness


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      CUI '23
      CUI '23: ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces
      July 19 - 21, 2023
      Eindhoven, Netherlands

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