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A Systematic Survey of Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction

Published: 02 February 2023 Publication History


Recent years have experienced sustained focus in research on software defect prediction that aims to predict the likelihood of software defects. Moreover, with the increased interest in continuous deployment, a variant of software defect prediction called Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction (JIT-SDP) focuses on predicting whether each incremental software change is defective. JIT-SDP is unique in that it consists of two interconnected data streams, one consisting of the arrivals of software changes stemming from design and implementation, and the other the (defective or clean) labels of software changes resulting from quality assurance processes.
We present a systematic survey of 67 JIT-SDP studies with the objective to help researchers advance the state of the art in JIT-SDP and to help practitioners become familiar with recent progress. We summarize best practices in each phase of the JIT-SDP workflow, carry out a meta-analysis of prior studies, and suggest future research directions. Our meta-analysis of JIT-SDP studies indicates, among other findings, that the predictive performance correlates with change defect ratio, suggesting that JIT-SDP is most performant in projects that experience relatively high defect ratios. Future research directions for JIT-SDP include situating each technique into its application domain, reliability-aware JIT-SDP, and user-centered JIT-SDP.

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cover image ACM Computing Surveys
ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 55, Issue 10
October 2023
772 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 February 2023
Online AM: 17 October 2022
Accepted: 23 August 2022
Revised: 06 May 2022
Received: 03 June 2021
Published in CSUR Volume 55, Issue 10


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  1. Software defect prediction
  2. release software defect prediction
  3. just-in-time software defect prediction
  4. change-level software defect prediction
  5. machine learning
  6. searching-based algorithms
  7. software change metrics
  8. change defect density


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