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Interacción '22: Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Interaccion 2022: XXII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Teruel Spain September 7 - 9, 2022
09 September 2022
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SESSION: Accessibility
Accessibility in Spanish Universities, evaluation through their policies: Communications about accessibility during COVID-19

This research analyzes the announcements issued by Spanish universities during the COVID-19 pandemic relating to students with special needs, to offer a new vision, complementary to existing audits conducted on university websites about technical ...

Validation of a heuristic set to evaluate the accessibility of statistical charts

A remote user test was performed with two versions (one accessible and another one non-accessible) of three types of web-based charts (horizontal bar chart, vertical stacked bar chart, and line chart). The objectives of the test were a) to validate a ...

Requirements and design patterns for an accessible video conferencing tool

Video conferencing tools have been imposed on many different areas of our day-to-day lives. Everyone, including those with disabilities, must be able to use these tools, taking into account that they are a means to being integrated into society. ...

SESSION: Interactive Art
Approach to digital rotoscoping by means of painting in motion using EbSynth.: Human-machine art creation experience.

Today there is a great wealth of technical and artistic possibilities in the context of digital animation software. Until now, they were based on offering all kinds of tools for creative and artistic development in the creation of animation. However, ...

Interaction According to Immersion in Virtual Environments: Graphic Development and PBRS in Environments with Real-Time Rendering and Virtual Reality

Technological evolution in the field of graphics has generated a new interface that allows a new form of interaction between the user and the machine through the immersive environments and Virtual Reality. This evolution is due to the improvements in ...

LevPet: A Magnetic Levitating Spherical Pet with Affective Reactions

LevPet combines affective computing and magnetic levitation to create an artificial levitating pet with affective responses and novel ways of moving to express emotions. Our interactive pet can recognise the user’s emotional status using computer ...

SESSION: Health and HCI
REMI: working on the memory and logical reasoning of the elderly

It is known that the age pyramid around the world is undergoing an inversion process, in which, in the coming years, we will have more older adults than children. It is necessary to invest more resources in health to bring a better quality of life to ...

Classifying simple human activity using synthetic accelerometer data

Identifying specific patterns of human activity is necessary when defining the interactions of people with assistive technologies. In environments where the user is an elderly person, the recognition of patterns becomes useful to analyze the possible ...

Older adults and types of players in game-based systems: Classification based on their motivations

The main purpose of this article is the generation of a characterization of the types of players in the older adult population through their previously identified motivations. For this purpose, the results obtained previously on the identification of ...

Preliminary study of the usability of the INGAME game for social inclusion and civic participation

INGAME is a research project funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program to develop an innovative game-based approach to engage young adult learners in civic participation and social inclusion. The project aims to work on the main ...

Twist: a gamified platform with games and immersive experiences for active aging

The proportion of the world's population over 60 years of age are increasing. It is necessary to provide the older adults with the conditions for a healthy aging process. Serious games and gamification have both enhancing and preventive effects on ...

SESSION: Development and Evaluation of Interactive Systems
Co-CIAT: Collaborative Environment for Modeling with CIAN Notation

This paper presents Co-CIAT, a collaborative graphics editor for the specification of groupware systems with CIAN notation. The paper describes the process of creating Co-CIAT, as an example of the application of the Learn-CIAM model-driven development ...

Facial Expression Recognition: Impact of Gender on Fairness and Expressions∗

Multiple and varied domains can benefit from automated Facial Expression Recognition (FER) like human computer interfaces or health applications. New approaches using Machine learning (ML) are achieving successful results, but its use raises concerns ...

User Interaction Study in Public Websites based on Performance and Eye-tracking Data

Online public services alleviate the workload of public administrations and provide convenient channels to citizens for easily carrying out administrative tasks. However, the interaction with these services is not always as intuitive and easy as ...

SESSION: Virtual and Augmented Reality
Case study on technological acceptance of autonomous vehicles and the influence of situational awareness: Lane detection in winter conditions

The new technological era and digital transformation have brought different advances to our lives, among which autonomous vehicles (AVs) stand out. The increasing visibility of these has given way to several investigations on the acceptance and ...

Open Access
The Design, Development and Usability of a Virtual Reality Training Application for the Dental Trainees

Dental treatments are expensive, and dentist training is time-consuming and involves processes that have risks associated with them. The world is looking into alternate ways to train dentists. This paper aims to address these challenges by proposing a ...

SESSION: Affective Computing
Development of a 3D Avatar to improve the User Experience of a Movement-based Rehabilitation System

In the past years, rehabilitation systems have been proposed to allow patients to perform physical therapy from their own homes. To assist them in this task, 3D avatars can be used to guide them through the different exercises. In this paper, we have ...

Do Machines Better Understand Synthetic Facial Expressions than People?

The recognition of facial expressions is a topic frequently addressed since the raising of Artificial Intelligence. From the point of view of the human-computer interaction (HCI), there is also an increasing interest as the emotions conveyed through ...

  • University of Zaragoza
  • University of Zaragoza
  • University of Zaragoza


Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 109 of 163 submissions, 67%
Interacción '19906269%
Interacción '18734764%