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Battery-free MakeCode: Accessible Programming for Intermittent Computing

Published: 29 March 2022 Publication History


Hands-on computing has emerged as an exciting and accessible way to learn about computing and engineering in the physical world for students and makers of all ages. Current end-to-end approaches like Microsoft MakeCode require tethered or battery-powered devices like a micro:bit, limiting usefulness and applicability, as well as abdicating responsibility for teaching sustainable practices. Unfortunately, energy harvesting computing devices are usually only programmable by experts and require significant supporting toolchains and knowledge across multiple engineering and computing disciplines to work effectively. This paper bridges the gap between sustainable computing efforts, the maker movement, and novice-focused programming environments with MakeCode-Iceberg, a set of compiler extensions to Microsoft's open-source MakeCode project. The extensions automatically and invisibly transform user code in any language supported (Blocks, JavaScript, Python)into a version that can safely and correctly execute across intermittent power failures caused by unreliable energy harvesting. Determining where, when, and what to save in a checkpoint on limited energy, time, and hardware budget is challenging. We leverage the unique intermediate representation of the MakeCode source-to-source compiler to design and deploy various checkpointing techniques. Our approach allows us to provide, for the first time, a fully web-based and toolchain-free environment to program intermittent computing devices, making battery-free operation accessible to all. We demonstrate new use cases with multiple energy harvesters, peripherals, and application domains: including a Smart Terrarium, Step Counter, and Combination Lock. MakeCode-Iceberg provides sustainable hands-on computing opportunities to a broad audience of makers and learners, democratizing access to energy harvesting and battery-free embedded systems.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 6, Issue 1
March 2022
1009 pages
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Published: 29 March 2022
Published in IMWUT Volume 6, Issue 1


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  1. Battery-free
  2. Block based programming
  3. Energy Harvesting
  4. Intermittent Computing


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