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What Could Possibly Go Wrong When Interacting with Proactive Smart Speakers? A Case Study Using an ESM Application

Published: 29 April 2022 Publication History


Voice user interfaces (VUIs) have made their way into people’s daily lives, from voice assistants to smart speakers. Although VUIs typically just react to direct user commands, increasingly, they incorporate elements of proactive behaviors. In particular, proactive smart speakers have the potential for many applications, ranging from healthcare to entertainment; however, their usability in everyday life is subject to interaction errors. To systematically investigate the nature of errors, we designed a voice-based Experience Sampling Method (ESM) application to run on proactive speakers. We captured 1,213 user interactions in a 3-week field deployment in 13 participants’ homes. Through auxiliary audio recordings and logs, we identify substantial interaction errors and strategies that users apply to overcome those errors. We further analyze the interaction timings and provide insights into the time cost of errors. We find that, even for answering simple ESMs, interaction errors occur frequently and can hamper the usability of proactive speakers and user experience. Our work also identifies multiple facets of VUIs that can be improved in terms of the timing of speech.

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  1. What Could Possibly Go Wrong When Interacting with Proactive Smart Speakers? A Case Study Using an ESM Application



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      CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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      1. Google Home
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      4. smart speakers
      5. user experience
      6. voice assistants


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