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View all- Wang ZPei CMa MWang XLi ZPei DRajmohan SZhang DLin QZhang HLi JXie GChua TNgo CKa-Wei Lee RKumar RLauw H(2024)Revisiting VAE for Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Frequency PerspectiveProceedings of the ACM Web Conference 202410.1145/3589334.3645710(3096-3105)Online publication date: 13-May-2024
- Spaniol MBaeza-Yates RAlonso O(2023)Report on the 12th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb 2022) at WWW 2022ACM SIGIR Forum10.1145/3582900.358290956:2(1-6)Online publication date: 31-Jan-2023