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A Modified Decision Tree and its Application to Assess Variable Importance

Published: 28 September 2021 Publication History


This paper presents an approach to further improve the data reduction abilities of the traditional C4.5 algorithm by integrating the information gain ratio and forward stepwise regression algorithms. Motivated by the fact that the traditional C4.5 algorithm utilizes a full set of antecedent attributes without taking into consideration irrelevant attributes which is a precursor to spurious predictive model estimates. This study aims to overcome this drawback by developing and evaluating the performance of an importance-based attribute selection algorithm called the C4.5-Forward Stepwise (C4.5-FS) for improving the data reduction abilities of the traditional C4.5 classifiers. Five datasets with dimensionality ranging from 6 to 10,000 attributes were employed to evaluate the model performance. The goodness of fit for the modified and traditional C4.5 classifier was done using k-fold cross-validation based on a confusion matrix. Experimental results revealed that the C4.5-FS algorithm trained on fewer antecedent attributes improved the data reduction capabilities of the traditional C4.5 algorithm trained on a full set of antecedent attributes by achieving higher accuracy.


The authors extend their appreciation to Mr. Douglas Candia and Mr. Frank Namugera who contributed to improving this research. This research was partly funded by Makerere University through the Staff Development, Welfare and Retirement Benefits Committee (SDWRBC).
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DSIT 2021: 2021 4th International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology
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Published: 28 September 2021


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  1. C4.5
  2. Machine learning
  3. big data
  4. data reduction
  5. modified
  6. significant


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