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CaFGraph: Context-aware Facial Multi-graph Representation for Facial Action Unit Recognition

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


Facial action unit (AU) recognition has attracted increasing attention due to its indispensable role in affective computing, especially in the field of affective human-computer interaction. Due to the subtle and transient nature of AU, it is challenging to capture the delicate and ambiguous motions in local facial regions among consecutive frames. Considering that context is essential to resolve ambiguity in human visual system, modeling context within or among facial images emerges as a promising approach for AU recognition task. To this end, we propose CaFGraph, a novel context-aware facial multi-graph that can model both morphological & muscular-based region-level local context and region-level temporal context. CaFGraph is the first work to construct a universal facial multi-graph structure that is independent of both task settings and dataset statistics for almost all fine-grained facial behavior analysis tasks, including but not limited to AU recognition. To make full use of the context, we then present CaFNet that learns context-aware facial graph representations via CaFGraph from facial images for multi-label AU recognition. Experiments on two widely used benchmark datasets, BP4D and DISFA, demonstrate the superiority of our CaFNet over the state-of-the-art methods.

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  1. CaFGraph: Context-aware Facial Multi-graph Representation for Facial Action Unit Recognition



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    Published: 17 October 2021


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    1. context-aware
    2. facial action unit
    3. multi-graph representation


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