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Higher-order probabilistic adversarial computations: categorical semantics and program logics

Published: 19 August 2021 Publication History


Adversarial computations are a widely studied class of computations where resource-bounded probabilistic adversaries have access to oracles, i.e., probabilistic procedures with private state. These computations arise routinely in several domains, including security, privacy and machine learning.
In this paper, we develop program logics for reasoning about adversarial computations in a higher-order setting. Our logics are built on top of a simply typed λ-calculus extended with a graded monad for probabilities and state. The grading is used to model and restrict the memory footprint and the cost (in terms of oracle calls) of computations. Under this view, an adversary is a higher-order expression that expects as arguments the code of its oracles. We develop unary program logics for reasoning about error probabilities and expected values, and a relational logic for reasoning about coupling-based properties. All logics feature rules for adversarial computations, and yield guarantees that are valid for all adversaries that satisfy a fixed resource policy. We prove the soundness of the logics in the category of quasi-Borel spaces, using a general notion of graded predicate liftings, and we use logical relations over graded predicate liftings to establish the soundness of proof rules for adversaries. We illustrate the working of our logics with simple but illustrative examples.

Supplementary Material

Auxiliary Presentation Video (icfp21main-p187-p-video.mp4)
This is a presentation of our paper at ICFP 21, titled Higher-Order Probabilistic Adversarial Computations: Categorical Semantics and Program Logics. Adversarial computations are a widely studied class of computations where resource-bounded probabilistic adversaries have access to oracles, i.e., probabilistic procedures with private state. We develop program logics for reasoning about adversarial computations in a higher-order setting: unary program logics for reasoning about error probabilities and expected values, and a relational logic for reasoning about coupling-based properties. All logics feature rules for adversarial computations, and yield guarantees that are valid for all adversaries that satisfy a fixed resource policy. We prove the soundness of the logics in the category of quasi-Borel spaces, using a general notion of graded predicate liftings, and we use logical relations over graded predicate liftings to establish the soundness of proof rules for adversaries.
MP4 File (3473598.mp4)
Presentation Videos


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  1. Higher-order probabilistic adversarial computations: categorical semantics and program logics



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    cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 5, Issue ICFP
    August 2021
    1011 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 19 August 2021
    Published in PACMPL Volume 5, Issue ICFP


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    1. Probabilistic programming
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    3. semantic models


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