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Data-flow-sensitive fault-space pruning for the injection of transient hardware faults

Published: 22 June 2021 Publication History


In the domain of safety-critical systems, fault injection campaigns on ISA-level have become a widespread approach to systematically assess the resilience of a system with respect to transient hardware faults. However, experimentally injecting all possible faults to achieve full fault-space coverage is infeasible in practice. Hence, pruning techniques, such as def/use pruning are commonly applied to reduce the campaign size by grouping injections that surely provoke the same erroneous behavior. We describe data-flow pruning, a new data-flow sensitive fault-space pruning method that extends on def/use-pruning by also considering the instructions’ semantics when deriving fault-equivalence sets. By tracking the information flow for each bit individually across the respective instructions and considering their fault-masking capability, data-flow pruning (DFP) has to plan fewer pilot injections as it derives larger fault-equivalence sets. Like def/use pruning, DFP is precise and complete and it can be used as a direct replacement/alternative in existing software-based fault-injection tools. Our prototypical implementation so far considers local fault equivalence for five types of instructions. In our experimental evaluation, this already reduces the number of necessary injections by up to 18 percent compared to def/use pruning.


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  1. Data-flow-sensitive fault-space pruning for the injection of transient hardware faults



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      LCTES 2021: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
      June 2021
      162 pages
      • General Chair:
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      • Program Chair:
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      1. bit flip
      2. fault injection
      3. fault-space pruning
      4. functional correctness
      5. reliability
      6. single event upset


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