Welcome to the 2021 edition of the ACM SIGPLAN Machine Programming Symposium (MAPS), formerly named MAPL, co-located with PLDI on June 21, 2021. The focus of MAPS is to advance machine programming by leveraging interdisciplinary research across the fields of machine learning (ML) and programming languages (PL). This year’s program consists of a mix of technical research papers and invited talks by top researchers in the field of machine programming.
Proceeding Downloads
Generating bug-fixes using pretrained transformers
Detecting and fixing bugs are two of the most important yet frustrating parts of the software development cycle. Existing bug detection tools are based mainly on static analyzers, which rely on mathematical logic and symbolic reasoning about the program ...
Learning to make compiler optimizations more effective
Because loops execute their body many times, compiler developers place much emphasis on their optimization. Nevertheless, in view of highly diverse source code and hardware, compilers still struggle to produce optimal target code. The sheer number of ...
Pure tensor program rewriting via access patterns (representation pearl)
- Gus Henry Smith,
- Andrew Liu,
- Steven Lyubomirsky,
- Scott Davidson,
- Joseph McMahan,
- Michael Taylor,
- Luis Ceze,
- Zachary Tatlock
Tensor kernels in machine learning (ML) often correspond to pure mathematical expressions, making term rewriting an attractive strategy for optimization and mapping to specialized hardware accelerators. However, existing ML intermediate representations (...
ControlFlag: a self-supervised idiosyncratic pattern detection system for software control structures
Software debugging has been shown to utilize upwards of half of developers’ time. Yet, machine programming (MP), the field concerned with the automation of software (and hardware) development, has recently made strides in both research and production-...
Predictive data locality optimization for higher-order tensor computations
- Tharindu R. Patabandi,
- Anand Venkat,
- Abhishek Kulkarni,
- Pushkar Ratnalikar,
- Mary Hall,
- Justin Gottschlich
Automating locality optimization is still an open problem for compiler writers. Compiler-based approaches, guided by analytical cost models have achieved some success in matching high performance libraries on a restricted set of computations such as ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Machine Programming