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USER: A Unified Information Search and Recommendation Model based on Integrated Behavior Sequence

Published: 30 October 2021 Publication History


Search and recommendation are the two most common approaches used by people to obtain information. They share the same goal -- satisfying the user's information need at the right time. There are already a lot of Internet platforms and Apps providing both search and recommendation services, showing us the demand and opportunity to simultaneously handle both tasks. However, most platforms consider these two tasks independently -- they tend to train separate search model and recommendation model, without exploiting the relatedness and dependency between them. In this paper, we argue that jointly modeling these two tasks will benefit both of them and finally improve overall user satisfaction. We investigate the interactions between these two tasks in the specific information content service domain. We propose first integrating the user's behaviors in search and recommendation into a heterogeneous behavior sequence, then utilizing a joint model for handling both tasks based on the unified sequence. More specifically, we design the Unified Information SEarch and Recommendation model (USER), which mines user interests from the integrated sequence and accomplish the two tasks in a unified way. Experiments on a dataset from a real-world information content service platform verify that our model outperforms separate search and recommendation baselines.

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Presentation video for USER: A Unified Information Search and Recommendation Model based on Integrated Behavior Sequence


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  1. USER: A Unified Information Search and Recommendation Model based on Integrated Behavior Sequence



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      CIKM '21: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
      October 2021
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      Published: 30 October 2021


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      1. personalized search
      2. recommendation
      3. unified model


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      • Intelligent Social Governance Platform, Major Innovation & Planning Interdisciplinary Platform for the ?Double-First Class? Initiative, Renmin University of China
      • Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation
      • Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program
      • National Natural Science Foundation of China


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