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HatRPC: hint-accelerated thrift RPC over RDMA

Published: 13 November 2021 Publication History


In this paper, we propose a novel hint-accelerated Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework based on Apache Thrift over Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) protocols, called HatRPC. HatRPC proposes a hierarchical hint scheme towards optimizing heterogeneous RPC services and functions. The proposed hint design is composed of service-granularity and function-granularity hints for achieving varied optimization goals and reducing design space for further optimizing the underneath RDMA communication engine. We co-design a key-value store called HatKV with HatRPC and LMDB. The effectiveness and efficiency of HatRPC are validated and evaluated with our proposed Apache Thrift Benchmarks (ATB), YCSB, and TPC-H workloads. Performance evaluations show that the proposed HatRPC approach can deliver up to 55% performance improvement for ATB benchmarks and up to 1.51X speedup for TPC-H queries compared with vanilla Thrift over IPoIB. In addition, the co-designed HatKV can achieve up to 85.5% improvement for YCSB workloads.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (Networks - HatRPC_ Hint-Accelerated Thrift RPC over RDMA.mp4)
Presentation video


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  1. HatRPC: hint-accelerated thrift RPC over RDMA



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      SC '21: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
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      1. RDMA
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