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User Response Prediction in Online Advertising

Published: 08 May 2021 Publication History


Online advertising, as a vast market, has gained significant attention in various platforms ranging from search engines, third-party websites, social media, and mobile apps. The prosperity of online campaigns is a challenge in online marketing and is usually evaluated by user response through different metrics, such as clicks on advertisement (ad) creatives, subscriptions to products, purchases of items, or explicit user feedback through online surveys. Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of studies using computational approaches, including machine learning methods, for user response prediction. However, existing literature mainly focuses on algorithmic-driven designs to solve specific challenges, and no comprehensive review exists to answer many important questions. What are the parties involved in the online digital advertising eco-systems? What type of data are available for user response prediction? How do we predict user response in a reliable and/or transparent way? In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of user response prediction in online advertising and related recommender applications. Our essential goal is to provide a thorough understanding of online advertising platforms, stakeholders, data availability, and typical ways of user response prediction. We propose a taxonomy to categorize state-of-the-art user response prediction methods, primarily focusing on the current progress of machine learning methods used in different online platforms. In addition, we also review applications of user response prediction, benchmark datasets, and open source codes in the field.

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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 54, Issue 3
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Published: 08 May 2021
Accepted: 01 January 2021
Revised: 01 November 2020
Received: 01 April 2020
Published in CSUR Volume 54, Issue 3


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  1. Click
  2. bounce rate
  3. conversion
  4. convolutional neural network
  5. data management platform
  6. deep learning
  7. demand side platform
  8. dwell time
  9. factorization machines
  10. graph neural network
  11. impression
  12. knowledge graph
  13. landing page
  14. recurrent neural network
  15. supplier side platform
  16. user engagement


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