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Simplified Data Wrangling with ir_datasets

Published: 11 July 2021 Publication History


Managing the data for Information Retrieval (IR) experiments can be challenging. Dataset documentation is scattered across the Internet and once one obtains a copy of the data, there are numerous different data formats to work with. Even basic formats can have subtle dataset-specific nuances that need to be considered for proper use. To help mitigate these challenges, we introduce a new robust and lightweight tool (ir_datasets) for acquiring, managing, and performing typical operations over datasets used in IR. We primarily focus on textual datasets used for ad-hoc search. This tool provides both a Python and command line interface to numerous IR datasets and benchmarks. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive tool of its kind. Integrations with popular IR indexing and experimentation toolkits demonstrate the tool's utility. We also provide documentation of these datasets through the \sys catalog: The catalog acts as a hub for information on datasets used in IR, providing core information about what data each benchmark provides as well as links to more detailed information. We welcome community contributions and intend to continue to maintain and grow this tool.


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Jimmy Lin, Miles Efron, Yulu Wang, and Garrick Sherman. 2014. Overview of the TREC-2014 Microblog Track. In TREC.
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Andrew Yates, Kevin Martin Jose, Xinyu Zhang, and Jimmy Lin. 2020. Flexible IR pipelines with Capreolus. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 3181--3188.
Guido Zuccon, Joao Palotti, Lorraine Goeuriot, Liadh Kelly, Mihai Lupu, Pavel Pecina, Henning Müller, Julie Budaher, and Anthony Deacon. 2016. The IR Task at the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2016: User-centred Health Information Retrieval. In CLEF.

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    SIGIR '21: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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