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Performance over Random: A Robust Evaluation Protocol for Video Summarization Methods

Published: 12 October 2020 Publication History


This paper proposes a new evaluation approach for video summarization algorithms. We start by studying the currently established evaluation protocol; this protocol, defined over the ground-truth annotations of the SumMe and TVSum datasets, quantifies the agreement between the user-defined and the automatically-created summaries with F-Score, and reports the average performance on a few different training/testing splits of the used dataset. We evaluate five publicly-available summarization algorithms under a large-scale experimental setting with 50 randomly-created data splits. We show that the results reported in the papers are not always congruent with their performance on the large-scale experiment, and that the F-Score cannot be used for comparing algorithms evaluated on different splits. We also show that the above shortcomings of the established evaluation protocol are due to the significantly varying levels of difficulty among the utilized splits, that affect the outcomes of the evaluations. Further analysis of these findings indicates a noticeable performance correlation among all algorithms and a random summarizer. To mitigate these shortcomings we propose an evaluation protocol that makes estimates about the difficulty of each used data split and utilizes this information during the evaluation process. Experiments involving different evaluation settings demonstrate the increased representativeness of performance results when using the proposed evaluation approach, and the increased reliability of comparisons when the examined methods have been evaluated on different data splits.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3394171.3413632.mp4)
This is the presentation video of a paper titled ?Performance over Random: A Robust Evaluation Protocol for Video Summarization Methods?. The presentation starts by briefly explaining the goal of video summarization technologies and the main types of automatically-generated summaries found in the bibliography. Then, it describes the most commonly used datasets and measures for evaluating video summarization, that are adopted by the majority of state of the art video summarization works. It discusses the characteristics of the currently established evaluation protocol and analyses its observed weaknesses. Based on this analysis, it presents the proposed evaluation approach, called ?Performance over Random?, that aims to mitigate these weaknesses and increase the reliability of performance evaluations and comparisons. In the sequel, it reports on the conducted experiments and their findings that document the merits of the proposed evaluation approach, and finally it provides the main conclusions of this study.


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Published: 12 October 2020


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  1. covariance
  2. evaluation protocol
  3. human performance
  4. pearson correlation coefficient
  5. performance over random
  6. random performance
  7. video summarization


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