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Towards a Multimodal and Context-Aware Framework for Human Navigational Intent Inference

Published: 22 October 2020 Publication History


A socially acceptable robot needs to make correct decisions and be able to understand human intent in order to interact with and navigate around humans safely. Although research in computer vision and robotics has made huge advance in recent years, today's robotics systems still need better understanding of human intent to be more effective and widely accepted. Currently such inference is typically done using only one mode of perception such as vision, or human movement trajectory. In this extended abstract, I describe my PhD research plan of developing a novel multimodal and context-aware framework, in which a robot infers human navigational intentions through multimodal perception comprised of human temporal facial, body pose and gaze features, human motion feature as well as environmental context. To facility this framework, a data collection experiment is designed to acquire multimodal human-robot interaction data. Our initial design of the framework is based on a temporal neural network model with human motion, body pose and head orientation features as input. And we will increase the complexity of the neural network model as well as the input features along the way. In the long term, this framework can benefit a variety of settings such as autonomous driving, service and household robots.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3382507.3421156.mp4)
This is video presentation of paper ?Towards a Multimodal and Context-Aware Framework for Human Navigational Intent Inference?. The presentation covers three major parts: motivation, research plan and preliminary result of the author?s PhD research. \r\n


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  1. Towards a Multimodal and Context-Aware Framework for Human Navigational Intent Inference



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        cover image ACM Conferences
        ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
        October 2020
        920 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 22 October 2020


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        1. human-robot interaction
        2. intent inference
        3. machine learning
        4. multimodal perception


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        ICMI '20
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