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Exploring Personal Memories and Video Content as Context for Facial Behavior in Predictions of Video-Induced Emotions

Published: 22 October 2020 Publication History


Empirical evidence suggests that the emotional meaning of facial behavior in isolation is often ambiguous in real-world conditions. While humans complement interpretations of others' faces with additional reasoning about context, automated approaches rarely display such context-sensitivity. Empirical findings indicate that the personal memories triggered by videos are crucial for predicting viewers' emotional response to such videos ?- in some cases, even more so than the video's audiovisual content. In this article, we explore the benefits of personal memories as context for facial behavior analysis. We conduct a series of multimodal machine learning experiments combining the automatic analysis of video-viewers' faces with that of two types of context information for affective predictions: \beginenumerate* [label=(\arabic*)] \item self-reported free-text descriptions of triggered memories and \item a video's audiovisual content \endenumerate*. Our results demonstrate that both sources of context provide models with information about variation in viewers' affective responses that complement facial analysis and each other.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3382507.3418814.mp4)
Presentation of the paper "Exploring Personal Memories and Video Content as Context for Facial Behavior in Predictions of Video-Induced Emotions" given by Bernd Dudzik.


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  1. affect detection
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