Cited By
View all- Leng YYu L(2021)Hierarchical Context-Aware Recurrent Network for Session-Based RecommendationIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.30698469(51618-51630)Online publication date: 2021
In situations where user information and detailed knowledge of user behaviors are challenging to obtain, the session-based recommendation is essential. The session-based recommendation (SBR) relies on the current anonymous session ...
In recent years, research has been done on applying Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as recommender systems. Results have been promising, especially in the session-based setting where RNNs have been shown to outperform state-of-the-art models. In many of ...
Session-based recommendation uses existing items in users’ interaction sessions to predict the next items with which users will interact. The existing items in sessions usually have different degrees of relevance with each other, and this item ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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