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"The cavalry ain't coming in to save us": Supporting Capacities and Relationships through Civic Tech

Published: 07 November 2019 Publication History


Cities are increasingly integrating sensing and information and communication technologies to improve municipal services, civic engagement, and quality of life for residents. Although these civic technologies have the potential to affect economic, social, and environmental factors, there has been less focus on residents of lower income communities' involvement in civic technology design. Based on two public forums held in underserved communities, we describe residents' perceptions of civic technologies in their communities and challenges that limit the technologies' viability. We found that residents viewed civic technology as a tool that should strengthen existing community assets by providing an avenue to connect assets and build upon them. We describe how an asset-based approach can move us toward designing civic technology that develops stronger relationships among community-led initiatives, and between the community and local government--- rather than a data-driven approach to civic tech that focuses on transactions between residents and city services.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 3, Issue CSCW
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