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The Next 700 Accelerated Layers: From Mathematical Expressions of Network Computation Graphs to Accelerated GPU Kernels, Automatically

Published: 11 October 2019 Publication History


Deep learning frameworks automate the deployment, distribution, synchronization, memory allocation, and hardware acceleration of models represented as graphs of computational operators. These operators wrap high-performance libraries such as cuDNN or NNPACK. When the computation does not match any predefined library call, custom operators must be implemented, often at high engineering cost and performance penalty, limiting the pace of innovation. To address this productivity gap, we propose and evaluate: (1) a domain-specific language with a tensor notation close to the mathematics of deep learning; (2) a Just-In-Time optimizing compiler based on the polyhedral framework; (3) carefully coordinated linear optimization and evolutionary algorithms to synthesize high-performance CUDA kernels; (4) the transparent integration of our flow into PyTorch and Caffe2, providing the fully automatic synthesis of high-performance GPU kernels from simple tensor algebra. The performance is comparable to, and often exceeds the performance of, highly tuned libraries.


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  1. The Next 700 Accelerated Layers: From Mathematical Expressions of Network Computation Graphs to Accelerated GPU Kernels, Automatically



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    cover image ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
    ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 16, Issue 4
    December 2019
    572 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 11 October 2019
    Accepted: 01 August 2019
    Revised: 01 July 2019
    Received: 01 February 2019
    Published in TACO Volume 16, Issue 4


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    1. Deep learning layers
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    3. polyhedral compilation


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