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A Comprehensive Classification of 3D Selection and Manipulation Techniques

Published: 08 September 2019 Publication History


The importance of 3D interaction is constantly increasing - not least because of new developments in ubiquitous computing and augmented and virtual reality. Current 3D user interfaces allow for an expressive and accurate input in three-dimensional space. 3D interaction techniques are responsible for mapping the three-dimensional input onto actions within the system and for returning appropriate feedback to the user. For developers of applications using 3D interaction and for designers of new 3D interaction techniques it is important to understand how existing techniques differ and how they can be classified. In this work we summarize existing characterizations of 3D interaction and adapt them to allow a comprehensive classification of 3D interaction techniques for selection and manipulation of virtual objects.


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Published: 08 September 2019


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  1. 3D Interaction Techniques
  2. 3D Manipulation
  3. 3D Selection
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September 8 - 11, 2019
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