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Graph Few-shot Learning with Attribute Matching

Published: 19 October 2020 Publication History


Due to the expensive cost of data annotation, few-shot learning has attracted increasing research interests in recent years. Various meta-learning approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem and have become the de facto practice. However, most of the existing approaches along this line mainly focus on image and text data in the Euclidean domain. However, in many real-world scenarios, a vast amount of data can be represented as attributed networks defined in the non-Euclidean domain, and the few-shot learning studies in such structured data have largely remained nascent. Although some recent studies have tried to combine meta-learning with graph neural networks to enable few-shot learning on attributed networks, they fail to account for the unique properties of attributed networks when creating diverse tasks in the meta-training phase---the feature distributions of different tasks could be quite different as instances (i.e., nodes) do not follow the data i.i.d. assumption on attributed networks. Hence, it may inevitably result in suboptimal performance in the meta-testing phase. To tackle the aforementioned problem, we propose a novel graph meta-learning framework--Attribute Matching Meta-learning Graph Neural Networks (AMM-GNN). Specifically, the proposed AMM-GNN leverages an attribute-level attention mechanism to capture the distinct information of each task and thus learns more effective transferable knowledge for meta-learning. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets under a wide range of settings and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed AMM-GNN framework.

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The presentation video of paper "Graph Few-shot Learning with Attribute Matching".


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Published: 19 October 2020


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  1. few-shot learning
  2. graph neural networks
  3. node classification


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  • Innovation Research Team of Ministry of Education
  • National Nature Science Foundation of China
  • Innovative Research Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China


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