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Investigating the Influence of External Car Displays on Pedestrians' Crossing Behavior in Virtual Reality

Published: 01 October 2019 Publication History


Focusing on pedestrian safety in the era of automated vehicles, we investigate the interaction between pedestrians and automated cars. In particular, we investigate the influence of external car displays (ECDs) on pedestrians' crossing behavior, and the time needed to make a crossing decision. We present a study in a high-immersion VR environment comparing three alternative car-situated visualizations: a smiling grille, a traffic light style indicator, and a gesturing robotic driver. Crossing at non-designated crossing points on a straight road and at a junction, where vehicles turn towards the pedestrian, are explored. We report that ECDs significantly reduce pedestrians' decision time, and argue that ECDs support comfort, trust and acceptance in automated vehicles. We believe ECDs might become a valuable addition for future vehicles.


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    MobileHCI '19: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
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    Published: 01 October 2019


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    1. Autonomous vehicles
    2. External car displays
    3. Pedestrian-autonomous vehicle interaction
    4. Traffic safety
    5. Virtual reality


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