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SemCluster: clustering of imperative programming assignments based on quantitative semantic features

Published: 08 June 2019 Publication History


A fundamental challenge in automated reasoning about programming assignments at scale is clustering student submissions based on their underlying algorithms. State-of-the-art clustering techniques are sensitive to control structure variations, cannot cluster buggy solutions with similar correct solutions, and either require expensive pair-wise program analyses or training efforts. We propose a novel technique that can cluster small imperative programs based on their algorithmic essence: (A) how the input space is partitioned into equivalence classes and (B) how the problem is uniquely addressed within individual equivalence classes. We capture these algorithmic aspects as two quantitative semantic program features that are merged into a program's vector representation. Programs are then clustered using their vector representations. The computation of our first semantic feature leverages model counting to identify the number of inputs belonging to an input equivalence class. The computation of our second semantic feature abstracts the program's data flow by tracking the number of occurrences of a unique pair of consecutive values of a variable during its lifetime. The comprehensive evaluation of our tool SemCluster on benchmarks drawn from solutions to small programming assignments shows that SemCluster (1) generates far fewer clusters than other clustering techniques, (2) precisely identifies distinct solution strategies, and (3) boosts the performance of clustering-based program repair, all within a reasonable amount of time.

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  1. SemCluster: clustering of imperative programming assignments based on quantitative semantic features



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      PLDI 2019: Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
      June 2019
      1162 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 08 June 2019


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      1. Program analysis
      2. Program clustering
      3. Quantitative reasoning


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