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10.1145/3308532.3329417acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesivaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Virtual Job Interviewing Practice for High-Anxiety Populations

Published: 01 July 2019 Publication History


We present a versatile system for training job interviewing skills that focuses specifically on segments of the population facing increased challenges during the job application process. In particular, we target those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS), veterans transitioning to civilian life, and former convicts integrating back into society. The system itself follows the SAIBA framework and contains several interviewer characters, who each represent a different type of vocational field, (e.g. service industry, retail, office, etc.) Each interviewer can be set to one of three conversational modes, which not only affects what they say and how they say it, but also their supporting body language. This approach offers varying difficulties, allowing users to start practicing with interviewers who are more encouraging and accommodating before moving on to personalities that are more direct and indifferent. Finally, the user can place the interviewers in different environmental settings (e.g. conference room, restaurant, executive office, etc.), allowing for many different combinations in which to practice.


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cover image ACM Conferences
IVA '19: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
July 2019
282 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2019

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  1. applied projects
  2. autism spectrum disorder
  3. embodied conversational agents
  4. former convicts
  5. intelligent virtual agents
  6. interview practice
  7. veterans
  8. virtual humans
  9. vita


  • Demonstration


IVA '19

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Overall Acceptance Rate 53 of 196 submissions, 27%


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