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Modeling Information Retrieval by Formal Logic: A Survey

Published: 21 February 2019 Publication History


Several mathematical frameworks have been used to model the information retrieval (IR) process, among them, formal logics. Logic-based IR models upgrade the IR process from document-query comparison to an inference process, in which both documents and queries are expressed as sentences of the selected formal logic. The underlying formal logic also permits one to represent and integrate knowledge in the IR process. One of the main obstacles that has prevented the adoption and large-scale diffusion of logic-based IR systems is their complexity. However, several logic-based IR models have been recently proposed that are applicable to large-scale data collections. In this survey, we present an overview of the most prominent logical IR models that have been proposed in the literature. The considered logical models are categorized under different axes, which include the considered logics and the way in which uncertainty has been modeled, for example, degrees of belief or degrees of truth. Accordingly, the main contribution of the article is to categorize the state-of-the-art logical models on a fine-grained basis, and for the considered models the related implementation aspects are described. Consequently, the proposed survey is finalized to better understand and compare the different logical IR models. Last, but not least, this article aims at reconsidering the potentials of logical approaches to IR by outlining the advances of logic-based approaches in close research areas.


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  1. Modeling Information Retrieval by Formal Logic: A Survey



    Jolanta MizeraPietraszko

    As the title indicates, formal logic is used for modeling information retrieval (IR). Readers can expect a literature review (of IR models), supported with graphs, mathematical formulas, and examples that lead to some interesting conclusions. For those working in the area of IR, it may be a controversial assumption that "logic-based IR models upgrade the IR process from document-query comparison to an inference process," as the very first IR classical models relied just on logic-for instance, matching query to documents, query formulation, query-document matrix, definition of relevance, and so on. Semantic queries express inferences studied by the IR community without formal logic theory; therefore, its omission is a huge gap of this work. Karen Spärck Jones, a pioneer of term frequency inverse document frequency (tf-idf), is not even mentioned; Gerard Salton, "the father of IR," has only one reference. Another huge gap is the survey structure logic. Instead of developing the concepts of modeling IR, showing the progress of formal logic applications in the area over the years, the article gives mathematical formulas proposed by some researchers and chosen somehow at random. I would appreciate some examples, as well as more information about which models became popular and which went unnoticed. Readers will first learn some IR terminology in a very generic sense. The potential of this work is presented next, defined as logical models, to help understand relevance, or represent non-logical models or include domain knowledge. Logic-based models are listed with the respective authors: document and query representation, implication-based categorization, uncertainty versus multiple truth values, ranking to uncertainty, and propositional models. The limited references for the models make it difficult to see which of them have really contributed to IR over the years, and there are no graphs, diagrams, or pseudocode representations. The article may be recommended to mathematicians who like formal logic from a theoretical viewpoint only, without any vision of implementation to IR.

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    cover image ACM Computing Surveys
    ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 52, Issue 1
    January 2020
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 21 February 2019
    Accepted: 01 November 2018
    Revised: 01 August 2018
    Received: 01 September 2017
    Published in CSUR Volume 52, Issue 1


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    1. Formal logics
    2. information retrieval models
    3. logical models
    4. survey
    5. uncertainty


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