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Making a Living My Way: Necessity-driven Entrepreneurship in Resource-Constrained Communities

Published: 01 November 2018 Publication History


Entrepreneurship has long been used to create self-employment opportunities to guard against career uncertainty. Yet, little is known about how social technologies impact the day-to-day work of entrepreneurs in resource-constrained contexts. We performed a qualitative study involving interviews with 26 micro-entrepreneurs in Detroit and observations of entrepreneurship events. We found that micro-entrepreneurs in Detroit are often pushed into entrepreneurship in response to unexpected life disruptions, barriers to employment, and desire to benefit the community. Their resource-constrained contexts shape how they use social technologies, such as sharing economy tools and social media groups, particularly with respect to privacy, safety, and professional agency. We expand the discussion in CSCW around what it means to be an entrepreneur and provide implications for how social technologies can be designed to better meet the employment needs of people in resource-constrained communities.


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Published: 01 November 2018
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  1. agency
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  3. entrepreneurship
  4. low-resource communities
  5. privacy
  6. social technologies
  7. underserved populations sharing economy


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