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A Systematic Mapping Study On Software Startups Education

Published: 28 June 2018 Publication History


This study aims to characterize the state-of-the-art of the software startup education by analyzing and identifying best practices, opportunities and gaps on this field. To do so, we conducted a systematic mapping study in order to analyze and evaluate studies on software startup education. As a result, we found 31 publications in this process. These studies were classified into four categories: real projects, multidiscipline, environment and teaching. We concluded that research on software startup education is still scarce. Furthermore, there are several gaps and opportunities to be explored in future works. One of them is the difficulty in providing a real world experience in a educational setting. Successful cases reported combine three major components: real world projects, the right environment and a multidisciplinary context.


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EASE '18: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering 2018
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  • The University of Canterbury


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Published: 28 June 2018


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  1. Entrepreneurship Education
  2. Software Development Education
  3. Software Engineering Education
  4. Startup
  5. Startup Education


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