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Garbage collection for a client-server persistent object store

Published: 01 August 1999 Publication History


We describe an efficient server-based algorithm for garbage collecting persistent object stores in a client-server environmnet. The algorithm is incremental and runs concurrently with client transactions. Unlike previous algorithms, it does not hold any transactional locks on data and does non require callbacks to clients. It is fault-tolerant, but performs very little logging. The algorithm has been designed to be integrated into existing systems, and therefore it works with standard implementation techniques such as Two-Phase Locking and Write-Ahead-Logging. In addition, it supports client-server performance optimizations such as client caching and flexible management of client buffers. We describe an implementation of the algorithm in the EXODUS storage manager and present the results of a performance study of the implementation.


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Özgür Ulusoy

A garbage collection algorithm is described for persistent object stores in a client/server environment. The algorithm is based on a partitioned mark-and-sweep approach, and it is tailored to cope with the problems introduced by persistence. The correctness of the algorithm is enforced by exploiting the flow of log records between the clients and the server, and the locking, logging, and recovery protocols of the system. The algorithm was implemented, tested, and measured in the client/server EXODUS storage manager. The performance evaluation results provided show that the collector bookkeeping mechanisms add little overhead to client operations. The paper is well organized and clearly written. Necessary background on client/server persistent systems and garbage collection techniques is provided at the beginning of the paper. Therefore, any reader with some interest in the area should be able to understand the material. The paper makes a valuable contribution to the literature on storage management.

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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 17, Issue 3
Aug. 1999
96 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 August 1999
Published in TOCS Volume 17, Issue 3


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  1. client-server system
  2. logging
  3. persistent object-store
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