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Verifying that web pages have accessible layout

Published: 11 June 2018 Publication History


Usability and accessibility guidelines aim to make graphical user interfaces accessible to all users, by, say, requiring that text is sufficiently large, interactive controls are visible, and heading size corresponds to importance. These guidelines must hold on the infinitely many possible renderings of a web page generated by differing screen sizes, fonts, and other user preferences. Today, these guidelines are tested by manual inspection of a few renderings, because 1) the guidelines are not expressed in a formal language, 2) the semantics of browser rendering are not well understood, and 3) no tools exist to check all possible renderings of a web page. VizAssert solves these problems. First, it introduces visual logic to precisely specify accessibility properties. Second, it formalizes a large fragment of the browser rendering algorithm using novel finitization reductions. Third, it provides a sound, automated tool for verifying assertions in visual logic.
We encoded 14 assertions drawn from best-practice accessibility and mobile-usability guidelines in visual logic. VizAssert checked them on on 62 professionally designed web pages. It found 64 distinct errors in the web pages, while reporting only 13 false positive warnings.

Supplementary Material

Auxiliary Archive (
Appendices, including details on the interpretation of visual logic, full descriptions of each tested assertion and their formalization, and reproductions of the CSS standard's descriptions of line height, margin collapsing, and floating layout.
WEBM File (p1-panchekha.webm)


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PLDI 2018: Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 11 June 2018


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  1. CSS
  2. SMT
  3. accessibility
  4. layout
  5. semantics
  6. usability
  7. verification


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