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A Survey on Malicious Domains Detection through DNS Data Analysis

Published: 06 July 2018 Publication History


Malicious domains are one of the major resources required for adversaries to run attacks over the Internet. Due to the important role of the Domain Name System (DNS), extensive research has been conducted to identify malicious domains based on their unique behavior reflected in different phases of the life cycle of DNS queries and responses. Existing approaches differ significantly in terms of intuitions, data analysis methods as well as evaluation methodologies. This warrants a thorough systematization of the approaches and a careful review of the advantages and limitations of every group.
In this article, we perform such an analysis. To achieve this goal, we present the necessary background knowledge on DNS and malicious activities leveraging DNS. We describe a general framework of malicious domain detection techniques using DNS data. Applying this framework, we categorize existing approaches using several orthogonal viewpoints, namely (1) sources of DNS data and their enrichment, (2) data analysis methods, and (3) evaluation strategies and metrics. In each aspect, we discuss the important challenges that the research community should address in order to fully realize the power of DNS data analysis to fight against attacks leveraging malicious domains.


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Published In

cover image ACM Computing Surveys
ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 51, Issue 4
July 2019
765 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sartaj Sahni
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 06 July 2018
Accepted: 01 February 2018
Revised: 01 February 2018
Received: 01 August 2017
Published in CSUR Volume 51, Issue 4


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  1. Malicious domains detection
  2. domain name system


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