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Interactive Storytelling for Movie Recommendation through Latent Semantic Analysis

Published: 05 March 2018 Publication History


Recommendation is essential to many online services; however current systems often provide limited interaction and visualization mechanisms, affecting the user satisfaction of recommendation. This paper presents an interactive recommendation approach for the general public without any knowledge of recommendation or visualization algorithms. Our approach emphasizes interactivity, explicit user input, and semantic information convey with the following two components. First, we propose a Latent Semantic Model that captures the statistical features of semantic concepts on 2D domains and abstracts user preferences for personal recommendation, so that high-dimensional spectral space from the rating records can be understood and interacted with directly. Second, we propose an interactive recommendation approach through a storytelling mechanism for promoting the communication between the user and the recommendation system. We demonstrate and evaluate our approach with a real dataset. Our approach can also be extended to other applications including various online recommendation systems.


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IUI '18: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
March 2018
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 05 March 2018


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  1. interactive storytelling
  2. latent semantic analysis
  3. recommender systems


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  • NSF
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China



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