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STYX: a trusted and accelerated hierarchical SSL key management and distribution system for cloud based CDN application

Published: 24 September 2017 Publication History


Protecting the customer's SSL private key is the paramount issue to persuade the website owners to migrate their contents onto the cloud infrastructure, besides the advantages of cloud infrastructure in terms of flexibility, efficiency, scalability and elasticity. The emerging Keyless SSL solution retains on-premise custody of customers' SSL private keys on their own servers. However, it suffers from significant performance degradation and limited scalability, caused by the long distance connection to Key Server for each new coming end-user request. The performance improvements using persistent session and key caching onto cloud will degrade the key invulnerability and discourage the website owners because of the cloud's security bugs.
In this paper, the challenges of secured key protection and distribution are addressed in philosophy of "Storing the trusted DATA on untrusted platform and transmitting through untrusted channel". To this end, a three-phase hierarchical key management scheme, called STYX1 is proposed to provide the secured key protection together with hardware assisted service acceleration for cloud-based content delivery network (CCDN) applications. The STYX is implemented based on Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX), Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) and SIGMA (SIGn-and-MAc) protocol. STYX can provide the tight key security guarantee by SGX based key distribution with a light overhead, and it can further significantly enhance the system performance with QAT based acceleration. The comprehensive evaluations show that the STYX not only guarantees the absolute security but also outperforms the direct HTTPS server deployed CDN without QAT by up to 5x throughput with significant latency reduction at the same time.


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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 24 September 2017


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  1. cloud based content delivery network
  2. distributed applications
  3. quickassist technology (QAT)
  4. security and protection
  5. software guard extensions (SGX)


  • Research-article

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  • National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar
  • National Key Research & Development Program of China


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September 24 - 27, 2017
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