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An Accuracy Tunable Non-Boolean Co-Processor Using Coupled Nano-Oscillators

Published: 29 September 2017 Publication History


As we enter an era witnessing the closer end of Dennard scaling, where further reduction in power supply-voltage to reduce power consumption becomes more challenging in conventional systems, a goal of developing a system capable of performing large computations with minimal area and power overheads needs more optimization aspects. A rigorous exploration of alternate computing techniques, which can mitigate the limitations of Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology scaling and conventional Boolean systems, is imperative. Reflecting on these lines of thought, in this article we explore the potential of non-Boolean computing employing nano-oscillators for performing varied functions. We use a two coupled nano-oscillator as our basic computational model and propose an architecture for a non-Boolean coupled oscillator based co-processor capable of executing certain functions that are commonly used across a variety of approximate application domains. The proposed architecture includes an accuracy tunable knob, which can be tuned by the programmer at runtime. The functionality of the proposed co-processor is verified using a soft coupled oscillator model based on Kuramoto oscillators. The article also demonstrates how real-world applications such as Vector Quantization, Digit Recognition, Structural Health Monitoring, and the like, can be deployed on the proposed model. The proposed co-processor architecture is generic in nature and can be implemented using any of the existing modern day nano-oscillator technologies such as Resonant Body Transistors (RBTs), Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillators (STNOs), and Metal-Insulator Transition (MITs) . In this article, we perform a validation of the proposed architecture using the HyperField Effect Transistor (FET) technology-based coupled oscillators, which provide improvements of up to 3.5× increase in clock speed and up to 10.75× and 14.12× reduction in area and power consumption, respectively, as compared to a conventional Boolean CMOS accelerator executing the same functions.


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  1. An Accuracy Tunable Non-Boolean Co-Processor Using Coupled Nano-Oscillators



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    cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 14, Issue 1
    January 2018
    289 pages
    • Editor:
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    Publication History

    Published: 29 September 2017
    Accepted: 01 April 2017
    Revised: 01 March 2017
    Received: 01 June 2016
    Published in JETC Volume 14, Issue 1


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    Author Tags

    1. Kuramoto
    2. Non-boolean computing
    3. co-processor
    4. coupled oscillators
    5. digit recognition
    6. micro-architecture
    7. structural health monitoring
    8. vector quantization


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