Cited By
View all- Arcile JAndré É(2022)Timed Automata as a Formalism for Expressing Security: A Survey on Theory and PracticeACM Computing Surveys10.1145/353496755:6(1-36)Online publication date: 19-May-2022
We introduce the class of Interrupt Timed Automata (ITA), a subclass of hybrid automata well suited to the description of timed multi-task systems with interruptions in a single processor environment.
While the reachability problem is undecidable for ...
A notion of alternating timed automata is proposed. It is shown that such automata with only one clock have decidable emptiness problem over finite words. This gives a new class of timed languages that is closed under boolean operations and which has an ...
We solve some decision problems for timed automata which were raised by S. Tripakis in [Tri04] and by E. Asarin in [Asa04]. In particular, we show that one cannot decide whether a given timed automaton is determinizable or whether the complement of a ...
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