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The UMASS intelligent home project

Published: 01 April 1999 Publication History
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Mihai Barbuceanu, Tom Gray, and Serge Mankovski. Coordinating with obligations. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonmru~us Agents (Agents98), pages 62--69, 1998.
Magnus Boman, Paul Davidsson, Nikolaos Skarmeas, Keith Clark, and Rune Gustavsson. Energy saving and added customer value in intelligent buildings. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi- Agent Technology, pages 505-517, 1998.
Craig Boutlier, Yoav Shoham, and Michael P. Wellman. Economic Principles of Multi-Agent Systems. Artificial Intelligence, 1-2(1-6), 1997.
Jason A. Brotherton and Gregory D. Abowd. Rooms take note: Room takes notes! In Proceedings of the 1998 AAAi Spring Symposium on intelligent Environments, pages 23-31, 1998.
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Michael Chia, Daniel Neiman, and Victor Lesser. Coordinating asynchronous agent activities in a distributed scheduling system. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents98), 1998.
T. Darell, G. Gordon, J. Woodfill, and M. Harville. Tracking people with integrated stereo, color, and face detection. In Proceedings of the 1998 AAA! Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments, pages 44-49, 1998.
Keith Decker and Jinjiang Li. Coordinated hospital patient scheduling. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Multi- Agent Systems (ICMAS98), pages 104-111, 1998.
Keith S. Decker. Task environment centered simulation. In M. Prietula, K. Carley, and L. Gasser, editors, Simulating Organizations: Computational Models of Institutions and Groups. AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1996.
Werner Dilger. A society of self organizing agent in the intelligent home. Technical report, Technical Report SS-98-02 Standford, California, Menlo Park, March 1998.
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David Franklin. Cooperating with people: The intelligent classroom. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 555-560, 1998.
Bryan Horling. A Reusable Component Architecture for Agent Construction. UMASS Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR-1998-45, October 1998.
Bryan Horling, Victor Lesser, Regis Vincent, Aria Bazz an, and Ping Xuan. Diagnosis as an Integral Part of Multi-Agent Adaptability. Computer Science Technical Report TR-99-03, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, January 1999.
Bernado Huberman and Scott H. Clearwater. A multi-agent system for controlling building environments. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS95), pages 171-176, 1995.
Nicholas R. Jennings, Katia Sycara, and Michael Wooldridge. A roadmap of agent research and development. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 1(1):8-38, 1998.
David Jensen, Michael Atighetchi, Regis Vincent, and Victor Lesser. Learning Quantitative Knowledge for Multiagent Coordination. Under review, also available as UMASS Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR-99-04, 1999.
Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin. A Proposal for a new KQML Specification. Computer Science Technical Report TRCS-97-03, University of Maryland Baltimore County, February 1997.
Victor Lesser, Keith Decker, Norman Carver, Alan Garvey, Daniel Neiman, Nagendra Prasad, and Thomas Wagner. Evolution of the GPGP Domain-Independent Coordination Framework. Computer Science Technical Report TR-98-05, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, January 1998.
Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, Thomas Wagner, and Shelley XQ. Zhang. BIG: A resource-bounded information gathering agent. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98), July 1998. See also UMass CS Technical Reports 98-03 and 97-34.
Victor R. Lesser. Reflections on the nature of multi-agent coordination and its implications for an agent architecture. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 1 (1):89-111, 1998.
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Michael C. Mozer. The neural network house: An environment that adapts to its inhabitants. In Proceedings of the 1998 AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments, pages 110-114, 1998.
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Rainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, and Alex Waibel. Towards tracking interaction between people. In Proceedings of the 1998 AAAi Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments, pages 123-127, 1998.
The UMASS Multi-Agent Systems Laboratory.
Regis Vincent, Bryan Horling, Thomas Wagner, and Victor Lesser. Survivability simulator for multi-agent adaptive coordination. In Proceedings of the First lnternational Conference on Web-Based Modeling and Simulation, 1998. To appear. Also available as UMASS CS TR-1997-60.
Thomas Wagner, Alan Garvey, and Victor Lesser. Criteria-Directed Heuristic Task Scheduling. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Special Issue on Scheduling, 19(1-2):91-118, 1998. A version also available as UMASS CS TR-97-59.
Michael We!lman and Peter Wurman. Market-Aware Agents for a Multiagent World. In Proceedings of the Second international Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents98), pages 115-125, 1998.

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cover image ACM Conferences
AGENTS '99: Proceedings of the third annual conference on Autonomous Agents
April 1999
441 pages
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Published: 01 April 1999


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