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ReBudget: Trading Off Efficiency vs. Fairness in Market-Based Multicore Resource Allocation via Runtime Budget Reassignment

Published: 25 March 2016 Publication History


Efficiently allocating shared resources in computer systems is critical to optimizing execution. Recently, a number of market-based solutions have been proposed to attack this problem. Some of them provide provable theoretical bounds to efficiency and/or fairness losses under market equilibrium. However, they are limited to markets with potentially important constraints, such as enforcing equal budget for all players, or curve-fitting players' utility into a specific function type. Moreover, they do not generally provide an intuitive "knob" to control efficiency vs. fairness. In this paper, we introduce two new metrics, Market Utility Range (MUR) and Market Budget Range (MBR), through which we provide for the first time theoretical bounds on efficiency and fairness of market equilibria under arbitrary budget assignments. We leverage this result and propose ReBudget, an iterative budget re-assignment algorithm that can be used to control efficiency vs. fairness at run-time. We apply our algorithm to a multi-resource allocation problem in multicore chips. Our evaluation using detailed execution-driven simulations shows that our budget re-assignment technique is intuitive, effective, and efficient.


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  1. ReBudget: Trading Off Efficiency vs. Fairness in Market-Based Multicore Resource Allocation via Runtime Budget Reassignment



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News
      ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  Volume 44, Issue 2
      May 2016
      774 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
      • cover image ACM Conferences
        ASPLOS '16: Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
        March 2016
        824 pages
        • General Chair:
        • Tom Conte,
        • Program Chair:
        • Yuanyuan Zhou
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 25 March 2016
      Published in SIGARCH Volume 44, Issue 2

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      Author Tags

      1. efficiency
      2. fairness
      3. market equilibria
      4. multicore architectures
      5. scalable resource allocation


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • AFOSR


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