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Geo-social media data analytic for user modeling and location-based services

Published: 11 January 2016 Publication History


More and more geo-tagged social media data is generated, nowadays, from the geo-tagged tweets, geo-tagged photos to check-ins. Analyzing this flourish data enables the possibility for us to discover users daily mobility patterns, profiles and preferences. As a result, based on the analyzed results, new types of location-based services emerge. In this article, we first introduce the recent advances in location-based user preferences modeling, which includes: 1) inferring users demographics, 2) identifying users novelty-seeking characteristics and 3) discovering users shopping impulsiveness. After that, we present a comprehensive summary on the state-of-arts of the location-based services, which take advantage of the geo-social media, including: 1) location-based recommendations, 2) location-based predication.


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  1. Geo-social media data analytic for user modeling and location-based services



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    cover image SIGSPATIAL Special
    SIGSPATIAL Special  Volume 7, Issue 3
    November 2015
    38 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 11 January 2016
    Published in SIGSPATIAL Volume 7, Issue 3

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