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10.1145/2806416.2806504acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

TriRank: Review-aware Explainable Recommendation by Modeling Aspects

Published: 17 October 2015 Publication History


Most existing collaborative filtering techniques have focused on modeling the binary relation of users to items by extracting from user ratings. Aside from users' ratings, their affiliated reviews often provide the rationale for their ratings and identify what aspects of the item they cared most about. We explore the rich evidence source of aspects in user reviews to improve top-N recommendation. By extracting aspects (i.e., the specific properties of items) from textual reviews, we enrich the user--item binary relation to a user--item--aspect ternary relation. We model the ternary relation as a heterogeneous tripartite graph, casting the recommendation task as one of vertex ranking. We devise a generic algorithm for ranking on tripartite graphs -- TriRank -- and specialize it for personalized recommendation. Experiments on two public review datasets show that it consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Most importantly, TriRank endows the recommender system with a higher degree of explainability and transparency by modeling aspects in reviews. It allows users to interact with the system through their aspect preferences, assisting users in making informed decisions.


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      CIKM '15: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
      October 2015
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      Published: 17 October 2015


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      1. aspects
      3. explanable recommendation
      4. reviews
      5. top-n recommendation
      6. tripartite graph ranking


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