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Statistics-driven datacenter resources provisioning

Published: 01 October 2015 Publication History


The virtualization concept along with its underlying technologies has been warmly adopted in many fields of computer science. In modern datacenters, the convergence of communications and computing to a common design and operational entity has proved an inevitable reality, introducing virtual servers as active network elements thus increasing the infrastructure complexity. Effective resource management in such architectures is crucial, impacting both service delivery and the resulting infrastructure operating costs. We propose a novel approach, based on Statistical Process Control (SPC), for the dynamic resource provisioning of datacenter virtualized resources. Our work provides an integrated, platform-independent and technology-neutral, framework consisting of a Common Information Model (CIM) based resource controller which allows for the on-line, adaptive, management of a virtual machine's CPU allocation. The controller can be extended to manage other types of hypervisor-provisioned resources. We provide a successful proof-of-concept of our work, deploying the controller on an IBM pSeries UNIX system running a core banking environment software with actual business data. Given the platform agnostic description of the controller and the managed environment it is, thus, possible to easily provide different operating system and hardware platform ports.


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Published: 01 October 2015


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  1. cloud computing
  2. data center
  3. hypervisor
  4. resource management
  5. statistical process control
  6. statistics


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