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By their fruits shall ye know them: A Data Analyst's Perspective on Massively Parallel System Design

Published: 31 May 2015 Publication History


Increasingly parallel systems promise a remedy for the current stagnation of single-core performance. However, the battle to find the most appropriate architecture for the resulting massively parallel systems is still ongoing. Currently, there are two active contenders: Massively Parallel Single Instruction Multiple Threads (SIMT) systems such as GPGPUs and Many Core Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) systems such as Intel's Xeon Phi. While the former is more versatile, the latter is an efficient, time-tested technology with a clear migration path. In this study, we provide a data management perspective to the debate: we study the implementation and performance of a set of common data management operations on an SIMT device (an Nvidia GTX 780) and compare it to a Many Core SIMD system (an Intel Xeon Phi). We interpret the results to pinpoint architectural decisions and tradeoffs that lead to suboptimal performance and point out potential areas for improvement in the next generation of these devices.


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  1. By their fruits shall ye know them: A Data Analyst's Perspective on Massively Parallel System Design



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      DaMoN'15: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware
      May 2015
      100 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 31 May 2015


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      SIGMOD/PODS'15: International Conference on Management of Data
      May 31 - June 4, 2015
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