Cited By
View all- Asteriadis SDaras P(2017)Landmark-based multimodal human action recognitionMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-016-3945-676:3(4505-4521)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017
We propose a unified method for recognizing human action and human related events in a realistic video. We use an efficient pipeline of (a) a 3D representation of the Improved Dense Trajectory Feature (DTF) and (b) Fisher Vector (FV). Further, a novel ...
Recognizing user-defined moves serves a large number of applications including sport monitoring, virtual reality or natural user interfaces (NUI). However, many of the efficient human move recognition methods are still limited to specific situations, ...
The launching of Microsoft Kinect with skeleton tracking technique opens up new potentials for skeleton based human action recognition. However, the 3D human skeletons, generated via skeleton tracking from the depth map sequences, are generally very ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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