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Tagging Your Tweets: A Probabilistic Modeling of Hashtag Annotation in Twitter

Published: 03 November 2014 Publication History


The adoption of hashtags in major social networks including Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ is a strong evidence of its importance in facilitating information diffusion and social chatting. To understand the factors (e.g., user interest, posting time and tweet content) that may affect hashtag annotation in Twitter and to capture the implicit relations between latent topics in tweets and their corresponding hashtags, we propose two PLSA-style topic models to model the hashtag annotation behavior in Twitter. Content-Pivoted Model (CPM) assumes that tweet content guides the generation of hashtags while Hashtag-Pivoted Model (HPM) assumes that hashtags guide the generation of tweet content. Both models jointly incorporate user, time, hashtag and tweet content in a probabilistic framework. The PLSA-style models also enable us to verify the impact of social factor on hashtag annotation by introducing social network regularization in the two models. We evaluate the proposed models using perplexity and demonstrate their effectiveness in two applications: retrospective hashtag annotation and related hashtag discovery. Our results show that HPM outperforms CPM by perplexity and both user and time are important factors that affect model performance. In addition, incorporating social network regularization does not improve model performance. Our experimental results also demonstrate the effectiveness of our models in both applications compared with baseline methods.


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      CIKM '14: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
      November 2014
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