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On influences between software standards and their implementations in open source projects: Experiences from RDFa and its implementation in Drupal

Published: 27 August 2014 Publication History


It is widely acknowledged that standards implemented in open source software can reduce the risk for lock-in, improve interoperability, and promote competition on the market. However, there is limited knowledge concerning the relationship between standards and their implementations in open source software. This paper reports from an investigation of influences between software standards and open source software implementations of software standards. The study focuses on the RDFa standard and its implementation in the Drupal project. Specifically, issues in the W3C issue trackers for RDFa and the Drupal issue tracker for RDFa have been analysed. Findings show that there is clear evidence of reciprocal action between RDFa and its implementation in Drupal. The study contributes novel insights concerning effective processes for development and long-term maintenance of software standards and their implementations in open source projects.


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  1. On influences between software standards and their implementations in open source projects: Experiences from RDFa and its implementation in Drupal



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      OpenSym '14: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration
      August 2014
      302 pages
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      • TJEF: The John Ernest Foundation


      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 27 August 2014

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      2. Open source software
      3. RDFa
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